Master in Plant Sciences
Scientific environment

Scientific environment

A master's program based on 5 Plant Sciences research institutes near Paris

The Master in Plant Sciences involves teachers-researchers and researchers from 5 laboratories all located within a radius of 30 km: the Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute (IJPB) in Versailles, the Biology and Risk Management in Agriculture lab (BIOGER) in Palaiseau, the Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay (IPS2), the Quantitative Genetics and Evolution lab (GQE-Le Moulon), and the Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) in Gif sur Yvette.

Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay in Gif-sur-Yvette (IPS2)

Institut Sciences des Plantes de Saclay - Orsay
© IPS2

IPS2 was created in January 2015. Its objective is to ensure the quality and durability of the research and teaching activities of the Université Paris-Saclay, in the field of plant sciences, to maintain a high level at the national and international levels.

IPS2 is the result of a major reorganisation and unification of 3 institutes initially involved in the SPS network. The IPS2 creation structures research, training and innovation activities in line with the objectives of the SPS network. The institute relies on five institutions: the Paris-Saclay, Evry and Paris Cité universities, CNRS and INRAE.

Research at IPS2 focuses on analyzing the growth and development of model plants and transferring the fruit of this research to crop species, agriculture and innovations.

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Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute in Versailles (IJPB) 

Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin - Inra Versailles
© INRAE - C.Enard

Hosted on the INRAE site of Versailles, IJPB is one of the largest European research centers in the field of plant biology. As a joint research unit under the supervision of INRAE and AgroParisTech, it brings together a unique set of resources and skills in biology, chemistry and mathematics dedicated to plant research.

The place is steeped in history. In 1973, Jean-Pierre Bourgin took the direction of the INRA laboratory of Cell Biology in Versailles and transformed this laboratory into a pole recognized worldwide in the field of plant cellular and molecular genetics.

Today, IJPB is composed of three scientific departments: "Biomass, Environment, Adaptation & Metabolism", "Development, Signaling, Modeling", "Genomes".

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Biology and Risk Management in Agriculture lab in Palaiseau (BIOGER)

© AgroParisTech-INRAE

The BIOGER Research Unit is a French center of excellence in mycology that brings together a large number of researchers from this field on a single site. An originality of this research unit is to develop multidisciplinary approaches in phytopathology (genomics, molecular biology and biochemistry, population genetics, evolution, epidemiology, modeling, diagnosis and taxonomy, control methods). Studies on plant fungal diseases carried out at BIOGER, at scales ranging from the gene to the landscape, make it possible to design and manage control methods that take into account both the mechanisms of plant pathogen interactions and their evolution in different cropping systems.

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Quantitative Genetics and Evolution lab in Gif-sur-Yvette (GQE-Le Moulon)

Génétique Quantitative et Evolution

GQE-Le Moulon leads research in genetics, genomics and evolution of complex traits (multifactorial genetics). In this general context and building from the molecular level upward, it focuses on integrated levels, from genes and metabolic networks to populations or varieties.

This multi-scale approach requires methodological developments in modelling, bioinformatics, population genetics, selection methods, systems biology and proteomics (it has created and manages the platform PAPPSO, labeled IBiSA).

Its goal is twofold:
♦ Provide knowledge in fundamental multifactorial genetics in the fields of modeling quantitative variation, evolution of quantitative traits, search for genes with quantitative effects and dynamics of genetic resources.
♦ Improving plant breeding methods by combining genomics and genetic resources management. The target traits are related to growth, development and adaptation.

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Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell in Gif sur Yvette (I2BC)

© © I2BC - C. Ayesta

I2BC was created on January 1st, 2015 in the context of the Paris-Saclay project in order to pool team expertise and analytical resources in molecular and cellular biology. This institute consists of 80 teams from Paris-Saclay University, CEA and CNRS. Specialists in molecular genetics, structural and cellular biology, microbiology and virology will work on unifying research projects in integrative biology.

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Saclay Plant Sciences (SPS)

The Saclay Plant Sciences network gathers teams from 5 plant sciences laboratories in the Paris region: the Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute, the Institute of Plant Sciences of Paris-Saclay, the Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell, the Quantitative Genetics and Evolution Research Unit, the Research Unit on Biology and Risk Management in Agriculture.

SPS represents about 700 people. Its research focuses on understanding the genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms that control plant development and physiology, and their interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment.

One of SPS's missions is to coordinate the Master's programs dedicated to plants in the Île-de-France region. Its objective is to set up an internationally recognized plant track, including exchanges with European centers of excellence.

Learn more about the education activities of the SPS network ...

Université Paris-Saclay

An international university

The Université Paris-Saclay represents an exceptional scientific potential. To meet the challenge of global competition for education, research and innovation, several institutions have decided to federate around a common project: the Université Paris-Saclay, by pooling teaching and research of very high national and international level.

In the changing and highly competitive world-wide research and training system, the Université Paris-Saclay is developing an international cooperation strategy based on the quality of the education provided by its members and the research teams of the highest international level.

The Université Paris-Saclay federates an important part of the master's programs, as well as the PhD programs through its doctoral college.

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