Master in Plant Sciences
MASTER 1 Program

MASTER 1 Program

Plants, from fundamental knowledge to industry sectors

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The Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP) program provides a base of knowledge and know-how in biology focused on objects, applications and goals related to agriculture, food and the environment and associated with approaches of life engineering. These courses (see Teaching units) will present and describe the functioning and levels of organization of living organisms as well as the associated means of integration. They will aim to illustrate the transfer of knowledge and understanding of the biology and biodiversity of these organisms in their environment towards a valorisation for uses and applications of interests.

The M1 platform Plant Integrative Biology and Physiology (plant "BIP") is specifically dedicated to the study of model plants and crops. It develops knowledge on the physiological and molecular mechanisms controlling the development of plants and their adaptation to their environment. One of its objectives is to help the students master the modern tools of biology necessary to the understanding of these phenomena. It is also a question of developing methods of exploitation and integration of this knowledge to improve crops and their use in order to contribute to sustainable agriculture and the development of plant products.

The "plant" BIP track of the Université Paris-Saclay is shared with the Université Paris Cité.

U. Paris-Saclay / U. Paris Cité