Master in Plant Sciences
Systems physiology

Systems physiology

Université Paris Cité specific Teaching Unit



Christine LELANDAIS (Université Paris Cité) and Giuseppe GANGAROSSA (Université Paris Cité).


Analyze and integrate the different levels of information of an organism in order to understand in a global way and model its functioning in interaction with the environment.

At the end of this UE, the student will be able to integrate and synthesize information, to argue to defend a hypothesis.


The TU will focus on communications/cooperation between different organs/systems for a biological function.

Emphasis will be placed on data integration to model these complex processes. Examples will be taken from the animal and plant kingdoms: metabolic strategies related to development and adaptation, interactions with the microbiota, biological rhythms for example.

Mandatory TU
Lectures: 24h, Tutorials: 6h
Location: Paris Rive Gauche

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: MSA