Master in Plant Sciences
Crop genomics and bioinformatics

Crop genomics and bioinformatics

Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Cité common Teaching Unit



Bénédicte STURBOIS (Université d'Évry - Université Paris-Saclay), Nathalie BOUDET (Université d'Évry - Université Paris-Saclay) and Karine ALIX (AgroParisTech - Université Paris-Saclay).


The TU "Crop genomics and bioinformatics" aims to present the tools of genomics and bioinformatics for their application to the study of crop genomes. The specificities of cultivated plants at the level of genome structure (duplications, transposable elements, multi-genomes...) but also the heterozygous character of the lines will be presented. The available genetic and genomic resources will be presented in the light of their potential applications.

The part dedicated to the teaching of bioinformatics will deepen the notions of comparative genomics, research of protein patterns and structure-function relationship. It will also address the notion of networks: regulation networks and protein-protein interaction networks by showing how to build and analyze them for functional annotation. The TU will rely on work carried out in tutorial sessions, using data (from NGS sequencing for example).


To understand the bases of applied genomics in crops; to know how to use databases in bioinformatics; to understand the specificities of the evolution of crop genomes; to know the natural and artificial processes of creation of genetic diversity.


Lectures to define new concepts. Practical sessions to manipulate bioanalytical tools as an introduction to bioinformatics. Supervised bibliographical studies to analyze the reports. Supervised bibliographical workshop with oral presentations and discussion sessions.

Mandatory TU
Lectures: 29h, Tutorials: 21h
Location: Evry

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: MSA