Master in Plant Sciences
How to build a plant?

How to build a plant?

Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Cité common Teaching Unit



Marianne DELARUE (UFR Sciences - Université Paris-Saclay).


- Basic knowledge of cell functioning (division, expansion and differentiation) - To be able to describe the main developmental stages of angiosperms - To know the basics of gene expression and protein synthesis control.


  • Describe and understand the molecular and cellular determinism of the main stages of angiosperms development
  • To know the major regulators of developmental transitions and their signalling pathways, whether endogenous (hormones, peptide signals, etc...) or exogenous (light and photoperiod) and their possible interactions.
  • To know and explain the main experimental methods and approaches used in developmental biology (direct genetic approaches, gene targeting and genome editing, protein-protein and protein-DNA interaction studies, spatio-temporal expression analysis, etc.)
  • Know how to use databases and basic bioinformatics tools (sequence alignment, BLAST, Image J, etc…).
  • To become aware of the so-called EVO-DEVO approaches and the challenges of translational biology in order to exploit knowledge acquired on models to cultivated species and agronomic interests.

Complementary skills

  • To be able to analyze a scientific article
  • To be able to present and synthesize the results of a nuclear immunolocalization test performed on different tissues.


Alternating courses and/or conferences), interactive tutorials and practical work. Students will give two presentations in English: a presentation on an analytical method and a presentation of the results obtained at the end of the practical sessions. The visit of experimental cultures of an INRAE centre is also planned.


  • BIOLOGIE VÉGÉTALE. Croissance et Développement. JF Morot-Gaudry, R. Prat. Editions Dunod. 2017 - PHYSIOLOGIE VEGETALE. M. Coupé et B. Touraine. Editions Ellipses. 2016
  • BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. B. Buchanan, W. Gruissem, R. L. Jones. Editions Wiley Blackwell. 2015.


Elective TU (Choice between this TU "How to build a plant?" and the TU "Seeds: from biology to industry").
Lectures: 27h, Tutorials: 12.5h, Practicals: 5.5h, Distance learning: 5h
Location: Orsay