Master in Plant Sciences
Biosphera seminars

Biosphera seminars « Societal and scientific challenges »

Université Paris-Saclay specific Teaching Unit



Benoit GABRIELLE (AgroParisTech - Université Paris-Saclay).


This teaching unit (TU) is an opening TU in the environmental field which aims at introducing students to concepts and approaches different from those taught in the master’s program. It is part of a group of TU called Common Pedagogical Network on the Environment, accessible from several master's degrees at the Université Paris-Saclay all affiliated to the Graduate School Biosphera.

At the end of this teaching unit, students will be able to:

  • Identify the major environmental issues
  • Use a terminology and references in the environmental field in disciplines related to those taught in the master’s program
  • Discuss the interactions between biodiversity, food, agriculture, society and the environment.


The final exam consists of a report whose subject is chosen at random, for each student, from the list of conferences held during the year. The report includes a summary of the conference and a discussion to be developed from a question proposed by the conference moderator. The format is appointed. There is no retake and this TU is not compensatory. Ten conference-debates are scheduled. Each of the conference and the debate lasts 45 minutes. The addressed subjects cover various topics specific to the Graduate School concerned. The program changes from year to year. A facilitator, chosen from the coordinators of the Masters, invites a lecturer from among the lecturers, professors and researchers of the Université Paris-Saclay or an external lecturer. He/she moderates the conference, suggests a question for the final exam, and corrects the conference’s homework.

Mandatory TU
Lectures: 20h
Location: Orsay

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 16 November 2020 | By: MSA