Master in Plant Sciences
Genome evolution and organization

Genome evolution and organization

Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Cité common Teaching Unit



Karine ALIX (AgroParisTech - Université Paris-Saclay), Moussa BENHAMED (Université Paris Cité), Jean-Luc FERAT (UVSQ - Université Paris-Saclay) and Bénédicte STURBOIS (Université d'Évry - Université Paris-Saclay).  


Acquiring fundamental knowledge of the organization of the genomes of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. Knowing the main mechanisms involved in the structural evolution of genomes and in the dynamics of regulation of their expression.


  1. Organization of the genomes of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (6h). We will insist on the specificities of the genomes of each domain of the living world by seeking to highlight their similarities and differences. The coding and non-coding compartments of the genome will be described in detail, and presented as playing a major role in the creation of genomic diversity. New generation sequencing methods will be discussed as well as their applications. The latest knowledge on the genomes of viruses and megaviruses will be presented.
  2. Introduction to genome dynamics (4.5h): characterization of the processes involved in the structural dynamics of genomes (recombination, duplication, transposition in the evolution of chromosomal structures).
  3. Relationship between genome structure and gene expression (4.5h). Gene organization (protein domains); chromatin organization (euchromatin, heterochromatin); gene expression (histone modification); alternative splicing.


In Tutorials (9h), will be discussed the notions of gene and modular combination, duplication of genomes in eukaryotes, histone modification and gene expression.
Lectures to define new concepts. Tutorials to reflect on the concepts viewed during lectures or knowledge mobilization exercises in lecture sessions.

Mandatory TU
Lectures: 15h, Tutorials: 9h
Location: Paris

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: MSA