Master in Plant Sciences


Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Cité common Teaching Unit



Agnès RICROCH (AgroParisTech - Université Paris-Saclay). 


Modifying, correcting and rewriting the genome and epigenome with new (epi)genetic tools open the way to innovations in living organisms to perform new functions or respond to environmental stresses. The combination of approaches from genetics, biochemistry, systems biology and structural analysis now makes it possible to better understand Mendelian and non-Mendelian phenomena, gene expression and epigenomic dynamics. Synthetic biology is developing an engineering approach to industrialize the process of DNA fragments design. Research on the use of nanotechnologies in the plant world will be discussed. In addition to techniques and applications, the industrial protection aspect of these innovations - open access, patentability of living organisms (including synthetic) - will be discussed. Sessions will focus on the current situation of the sector, the technical and competitive contexts, through case studies: plant defense, medicine production... Speakers from the public and industrial sectors as well as entrepreneurs will be invited to provide insight.


  • Plant Biotechnology - Experience and Future Prospects (2014). Ricroch, Fleischer & Chopra (Editors). Springer Publisher International
  • Au-delà des OGM (2018). Regnault-Roger, Houdebine & Ricroch (Editeurs). Les Presses des Mines – Académie d’agriculture de France.


Elective TU (Choice between the TUs "Biotechnologies" and "Plants/insects" and the TU "Integrated Plant physiology").
Lectures: 23h, Tutorials: 4.5h
Location: Paris

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: MSA