Master in Plant Sciences
Genomics and Plant Breeding

Genomics and Plant Breeding

Genomic tools for plant breeding (Teaching unit shared between Research and Professional MASTER 2 Programs)

Cocoa génome
Cocoa génome


This unit aims at describing and using tools of plant genomics and biotechnology in plant breeding. Mains focuses are the following: changes in plant genomes structure in relation with domestication, forward and reverse genetics in model plant species and crops, quantitative genetics and genomic selection. Recent genomic tools, such as next-generation sequencing and analysis of the corresponding data are experienced in practical sessions. Several examples illustrate plant biotechnology approaches. Mastering of sexual reproduction in crops as well as seed quality and their importance in plant breeding are broadly discussed. In addition, a comprehensive overview of both national and international actors of plant breeding and regulatory aspects concerning the registration of crop varieties is given.   


Training managers

Karine ALIX (Professor AgroParisTech) et Bénédicte STURBOIS (Professor UEVE)


Teaching unit with lectures, pratical courses and tutorial classes as well as research seminars. Different aspects of plant breeding will be studied in small groups as team projects and rated. Usually, a visit in a plant breeding company is organized on a half-day basis.

Lectures: 16h, Practicals: 6h, Tutorials: 18h


Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 10 July 2013 | By: MM