Master in Plant Sciences
Plant Cell Biology

Plant Cell Biology

From images to functions


Biologie cellulaire

Teaching unit with a « project » format (one scientific question – one experimental approach) dealing with cell biology and plant imaging with a large part dedicated to practicals. Students face a research situation in which they produce and critically analyze results from imaging/cytological techniques.

Teaching managers

Jean-Denis FAURE (Professor AgroParisTech), Frédéric COQUELLE (Lecturer Université Paris-Saclay) et Christine LELANDAIS (Lecturer Université Paris Cité)


The unit will include:

Biologie cellulaire

Lectures (4h): theory of imaging technologies and image treatment, applications in plant biology

Practical course (5 half-days) on a mutant (and corresponding gene) involved in plant development

Tutorials (2 half-days) on image analysis

Short internship (3-4 days) in a research team of the Saclay Plant Sciences perimeter using imaging facilities (immunolocalization, in situ hybridization, flow cytometry…)


Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 11 July 2013 | By: MM