Master in Plant Sciences
Signalling Mechanisms in Plants

Signalling Mechanisms in Plants

Mechanisms involved in stimuli perception and signalling pathways in plants

Mécanismes de signalisation chez les plantes


No exhaustive catalogue of plant signaling pathways in this teaching unit! The aim is to grasp the major signaling mechanisms and the scientific strategies implemented to study their complexity in different contexts.

Training managers

Benoit ALUNNI (Lecturer Université Paris-Saclay) and Mathias BRAULT (Lecturer Université Paris Cité)


  • Foundation lectures on broad concepts (10 h)
  • Short seminars with each year at least one international expert invited

A personal work with tutorials illustrating examples of plant signaling pathways and their involvement both in development and stress response : analysis of scientific papers and discussions (15 h)


Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 11 July 2013 | By: MM